June 1, 2011

DAY 17,18&19

Just in case everyone is worried sick about us...
We are here and alive..
Its been a crazy couple of months.
I believe the Sunday after my last post
Everything went crazy!!
After church we usually have lunch at the in-laws
And hang out.
Well Cory had to go to work and so
Me and Avril went home to take a nap.
And while I was sitting there
Watching T.V.
I hear these sirens coming up the road
But they didn't pass. I swear my heart
Stopped beating!
All of our family lives pretty close so
I assumed someone got hurt...
As I run to the door to see what
Was going on I was horrified
To see this big black cloud of smoke
Right behind the in-laws house!!
Obviously I knew something was on fire.
Frustrated that I couldn't leave, to
Rush over there to see if everyone was ok,
Because Avril was sleeping I stood in
Our front yard terrified.
Finally I see my Family emerge from the rents house..
They came over and informed me that the house
That some of the milkers lived had
Got engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes...
Three fire trucks came.
An ambulance and bystanders..
After what seemed like a lifetime
The fire fighters(bless them for working in the hot weather and
by the fire) contained the flames..
I can not tell you how much this effected all the of the family..
It was so scary and heart wrenching to see everyone so
Helpless.. All you could really do is stand there.
Thankfully no one was hurt.
The fire left nothing more than the foundation and
Heart break... All of the milkers things were lost.
After talking it over we decided to try to help the milkers
With whatever we could give them..
Clothes, Food, Blankets...
But that wasn't going to be enough..
They had lost their home..
So out of selflessness my wonderful,
Thoughtful and humble husband offered them
Our home...
So with the help of our family we
Packed up our things(in like an hour.. Impressive)
And moved down the road to another house that
The family owns.
We left them anything we could to make
This hard time easier..
I can not begin to tell you how awesome it felt
( as difficult as it was)
To serve someone who was in dire need
Of help and comfort...
I won't lie, it was hard to see some of my things go...
But the good thing is, is that they are just THINGS...
You can replace any little thing..
But I can never replace how it made me feel
Helping out someone who needed it...
So now, I am happy to say,
We are settled in our new house and we
Got things up and running again..
Oh, and I have not forgotten about my little
Fun posts thingys either...
I have been waiting and waiting to
post them! A little sad I know...
So without further delay!....

Something that has recently made a huge impact in your life....
As many as you know.. And to those who don't we are expecting
Baby number 2 in February!
We are very excited and we find out what we are having in two months
Besides the morning sickness I am feeling great!!

Biggest insecurity.....
I am ALWAYS worried that my
Breath is going to smell!
I love gum and I would die if I didn't have

Picture when you were little...
I laugh at this picture...
Check out that bow!!!
And not to mention the plaid
Shirt haha

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