May 4, 2011

Mother Dear

Mothers Day is just around the corner,
And as I think about being a mom
And rising my children I can't
Help to think about my mom and what
A blessing she has been in my life.
My mother is such an amazing person
As most of you know she raised three girls
Maintained a full time job
Was a maid
A nurse
A peacemaker
A coach
A teacher
A chauffeur
A cook
Did I mention that she is a single parent?
Yes truly an amazing person
I am such a lucky person to have her as not only a
Mother but also a friend.
Thanks to my mom and the wonderful
Example she set for me
I know the mother I want to be
And how I want to raise my kids.
So thanks mom
For all those restless nights
Calls to say hi and I love you
Thoughtful words
Endless amount of encouragement
And your ability to love me when I was being a pain and hardheaded
Thanks for being my very best friend but most of all
The very best mother in the world.


  1. I think you could almost say 4 daughters since I lived there pretty much our entire middle school and jr. high life. hah love you sally! she's the best second mom I've ever had!
